Sunday, March 10, 2013

All (commercial) roads lead to Khobar

I already sensed it; a visit to Khobar's newest supermarket only confirmed it: Saudi Arabia's Eastern Province is the one place where all consumption goods convey from all around the globe. German Pumpernickel, an original fake Rollex from India, Dijon mustard, masapan from Venezuela, Scottish shortbread, plastic kitchenware from China, dehydrated mushrooms from the French forests, curry spices, Swedish ready-to-assemble furniture... I dare you to name anything that you can't find around here (even the "forbidden" goods such as alcohol and pork have their black market, though I'm not familiar with it!).
And if it's delicatessens you're after, be sure that the Danube will not let you down!

Danube, the poshest supermarket ever, where peanuts, pasta and bread are displayed as if they were luxury goods (although white truffle oil might be considered as one)
I don't even need to take vacation to France anymore, and can still bring back souvenirs from Brittany! I mean, who needs Pornic when you've got Al-Khobar!
Danube has also got the first self-service checkouts in the Eastern Province (doesn't quite fit the luxury image of the shop, but definitely European, hence better)
Why bother going to London when Hamley's is in Khobar too!
Judging by the big kid on the picture, it does have some of the same magic!

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