Thursday, September 1, 2011

Keep it for a rainy day, uh?

It's been months since it's rained here, and day after day after day after day, without any exception, the sun rises high in the sky, warming us with its overwhelming 45°C. 
During the first few months, it feels great, you don't even need to check the weather channel, you forget about trousers and jumpers and proper shoes, to trade them for flip flops, shorts and t-shirts. You go to the beach, to the swimming pool, and you're confident the weather will never ruin any of your plans. 

And then you find yourself dreaming about your next vacation: you consider Scotland, Denmark and Brazil (up North in the state of Pará, where they only have two seasons: one where it rains every day, and the other one where it rains all day long!). I'm even thinking dreamily about the crappy weather of my native Vendée...

What I would give for a fierce Brazilian thunderstorm:

Thunderstorm on the Amazon river

Honestly, how can you combine this kind of mood:

Abuelita hot chocolate, one of Mexico's many flavours

With this kind of weather:

Well, obviously, I'd just need two days of crappy weather, after that, I'd be fine for another couple of months of sunny hot weather!


  1. try to do the dance of the rain... who knows

  2. Definitely! And I will pray Tlaloc, the Aztec god of rain ;)
