Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A foretaste of the Christmas holidays

School's been canceled today.

Not because His Highness decided to grant us yet another bank holiday, not because one of the many industrial plants in the area exploded or leaked (which would actually be more likely to happen), not because it's snowing (!), but simply because of a (sand)storm alert. 

So we're in for some cocooning!

Love to watch the rain from a safe, dry place
Some cat trying to get inside
(oh please don't pity him, it's not so cold outside, and the porch is dry, and I gave him some milk he didn't even deign to touch... ungrateful cat!)
Drowning plants in our backyard
Our nochebuena reminding us Christmas is coming very soon
For the moment it's only raining. And I wonder if a sandstorm is actually compatible with rain: would it be raining mud then??

The sky might be dark, Lila Downs's luminous voice is lightening up my day (thank you Ramiro!):

1 comment:

  1. Mi querida Soledad me va a guisar un molito, por el cielo de MonteAlbán, de noche sueño contigo!!
