Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weather swings

I did survive the German cold but I must confess it was just freezing! Despite a bright, sunny weather, temperatures wouldn't even reach -5°C at noon. So last night I was relieved to land in Dubai (20°C at midnight) only to feel cold again as we approached our home in Saudi Arabia (around 9°C at 2am).

However we had a great time in Frankfurt, Richard wasting his time in meetings all day long while I spent mine discovering the city and visiting museums. 

We ate sausages, drank beer, and even managed to go to the movies to see "The girl with a dragon tattoo", which isn't going to show in Middle Eastern theatres. Now that I've seen it, I understand why... Some parts are just way to crude for the local sensibility...

Anyway, that's just a summary of how the weekend went:

That's how busy Dubai airport gets at 2 am
(Much more fun than London Stansted airport after 11pm... Had to spend the night there once... Wouldn't like to have to do it again!)
German public transportation system, or how you may literally find yourself in the middle of green fields, and still get the U-Bahn straight to downtown Frankfurt! 
A weak but yet existing Occupy movement in front of the European Central Bank



The house where Goethe was born and lived until he was 26
(I enjoyed the visit a lot, it reminded me of my Germanistik years!) 

1 comment:

  1. Wow que buenas fotos! Se nota que la están pasando muy bien por allá y también vi algo del archivo y WOW, que lugares ehh
    Espero verlos pronto aca en MTY (semana santa al menos) y estoy super puesto para los días en las barrancas.
    Les mando un gran abrazo
